Taking a leap of faith is like taking that first (scary!) step towards the beautiful dark tunnel of the unknown and then emerging with a sense of hope, strength and freedom. Pure joy.
I always listen to my heart where God speaks in me before I take any chances.
Is what I want to do align with what God wants me to do?
Is what I am about to do bring Him glory?
I listen in stillness and in solitude.
I pray.
This does not happen overnight. It might take weeks, months or a year or more.
God’s timetable is not the same as the earth’s.
But once it arrives it’s the most perfect timing.
And although the time has finally arrived for me to shift gears on my career I feel hesitant.
Negative thoughts shrouded my weak mind. The prayers and consultation to God forgotten.
Taking the first step is really scary. You don’t know what will happen. The present moment is all you got.
More prayers and courage from God.
I lift my right foot forward. Left foot next. Right. Left. Right. Left.
I am in the tunnel.
I took a several month long class on Visual Design. I love it. I am learning a lot. All the tools and basics.
And now the class is almost coming to an end.
I am out of the tunnel.
The wonderful tunnel that is filled with beautiful learning and inspiration. Getting to know the awesome teachers and classmates. Getting to listen to their stories and dreams.
And now the reality hits me. Working on what I have learned.
It might be soon before I can settle on a design work.
Look forward but mindful on the present.
Practice practice practice. Create many ugly pieces. Build something.
Trust and Surrender.
* * *
Fall Fearless and Fly 2nd Challenge
Headline Prompt: Taking a Chance: When did you take a chance or a leap of faith? How did it turn out? What did you learn?

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
28 Responses
I love it…. the message, the colours – everything :)
Jessica Sporn
What a beautiful page, with light at the end of the tunnel. And exquisite journaling to accompany it. Thanks for joining Fall Fearless & Fly.
When we take that leap of faith, it may be scary, but we grow! Wishing you the absolute best! Patsy from HeARTworks
Tracey Fletcher King
You have done a great job witht he prompt… I really like the softness of the colours…xx
Absolutely! I can concur with that completely – especially the ‘God’s timing’ bit. Sometimes it takes ages for the time to be right, but when it is, we still have to take the leap of faith and put action to the trust we have. Glad your tunnel has light at the end of it :)
Beautiful page, lovely watercolor and lovely message!
Annette G
Loving this beautiful painting and its terrific message. Happy PPF, Annette x
Your colors speak almost as well as your heart. Saludos
You captured your feelings so well with this painting. Good luck with your new steps through the tunnel.
Lis, this is really beautifully done. I can’t tell whether the painting of the tunnel came before the idea of a tunnel or the tunnel was deliberate. Either way, your message is right on. Making a big change takes a lot of faith and courage. You have illustrated the emotions surrounding such a transition in a beautiful way.
beautiful words and beautiful art!
Wonderfully written and gorgeous artwork to go along. :)
Mary C. Nasser
Love this light and airy landscape and the incorporation of text and the word “listen.”
Quietly powerful. :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
Gloria J Zucaro
Wonderful, Courageous! Love the painting, love the text. I was recently told that you probably get one really good painting out of 100 that you do! Patience!
I love your message and your painting..It depicts and expresses your thoughts and words perfectly..I can almost feel the magic emitting from your piece!
Linda K
such a lovely composition-soothing. Congrats on falling fearless and flying and happy PPF!
it’s beautiful, elisa! so inspiring and uplifting!
Ayala Art
This is very interesting, I like how the colors moves around
All the best on your journey! I always say when in doubt, ” let go, and let god” works every time!!
Very pretty work! Have you asked yourself, ” What do I want to say?” No doubt what ever you produce with
be wonderful!
Hugs Giggles
This post made me think of an old quote that goes something like…Take the next step into the darkness…you’ll either hit solid ground…or learn to fly.
Gina Sismilich
I love your painting and the wonderful poetry – not sure if it was meant to be a poem – but it is one. I read a book once called “Just Enough Light for the Step I’m On” by Stormie Omartian. That is all God gives us – He really wants us to walk by faith and not by sight.
so talented–love the tunnel page and your writing, and these words will say with me: “trust and surrender”
Very pretty and a valuable message!
staying mindful of the present, while taking a chance — very inspiring an thoughtful – thanks for sharing this.
beautiful composition. i love the way the light shines through.
Carolyn Dube
Love the cave and its message! So glad you shared this with Fall Fearless and Fly!
Your message is so meaningful and true. I see so much in your art. I look forward to next week too. Blessings, Janet PPF
The Editor
Really liked the purple arc in your painting. It gave out a sense of peace. Very interesting words you wrote. I enjoyed Is what I want to do align with what God wants me to do? warmest regards