33: Elephant Family

33: Elephant Family

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Elephant Family
Many times I have caught myself in a cycle of wanting to please people with my art, comparing my work with that of many successful artists, wishing to make more money and joining the bandwagon of doing what you love. While there is nothing wrong with the above-mentioned, I find that art and the world in general is not about me at all. It is about honoring God with the work and skills he has given us and drawing others to Christ by ministering and serving them.

As I crave to have a deeper revelation of who God is through my prayers, I experience his goodness all the more. Faith and love comes from God and it is by feeding on His Word that I am secured in my identity as His adopted child. Because of Christ’s finished work on the cross I am capable to show love and serve others in His name. Slowly as God renew my spirit, my earthly desires becomes godly desires and I want to please him deeply because of what he has done for me.

I have learned the hard way that it is not about doing what I love that matters but it is about doing what God wills that I do. It is all about God’s dreams for me not my dreams to be. It is about God’s time and ways not my worldly plans and endeavors. Even if our work is menial or cubicle or we lack praise in our hard work, let us be assured that God sees and knows. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31).

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