The 500 Paintings Challenge

The 500 Paintings Challenge

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I started painting daily on May 2012 for almost 30 days  together with other artists. After that we painted again for about 30 days on Feb 2013. I’ve learned a lot since then but it wasn’t enough.

This year will be different. I am challenging myself to paint 500 paintings. The goal and the why–

  • Use my own photos and find local subjects: I’ve often use photos of others (with permission) as subjects for my paintings. I might be eager to paint them but it’s not personal to me. I often encourage others to sketch what’s around them and realize that I haven’t been doing the same. This painting challenge will allow me not to take my surrounding for granted and encourage me to use my own cabinet of inspiration.

Missing You

1: Missing You–watercolor on paper

  • Get better: Painting is hard. Even though I started last 2011 I don’t think I am confident enough. I find that if I paint for two days and then skip for several days, I tend to forget what I’ve learned or discovered. Sometimes the fear even catches up on me; thus I don’t feel like painting. The secret to getting better? Practice. What better way to start? Cultivate a daily painting habit.
  • Do small studies: I enjoy painting small such as on postcard size paper or a sketchbook. This is helpful for me so that I will not overdo things but only stick to what I think is essential. Also it is a cheaper way to practice and experiment without the pressure.

I might paint daily and miss some days because this is real life. There will be good days and bad days of painting. I don’t even know how long I will be able to do this challenge. But that’s okay because I have set my intention– to be better at painting. This is not a hobby. This is my life work. I thank God everyday for giving me this chance to work for Him even if I don’t deserve it.

I recommend creating a daily painting habit to anyone who is serious about painting. :)

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