Painting Day 31: Lessons Learned in Painting

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When I joined the one month painting everyday challenge last May inspired by Dana I know that I can do this. Although I have skipped a few days and that today is June already I decided to go beyond May so that I have actually painted for a month. I will continue. What painting everyday has taught me: 1. I love to use bright warm and cool colors. 2. I almost always tend to put on random splashes of color … Read More

Painting Day 30: Painting to Uplift

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The past few days of June I have been feeling emotional. The heaviness of heart. The pressure of making decisions. I feel that time is running away and yet I haven’t accomplished a thing. Nothing special. Nothing useful for my dreams. While others continue to make more money with their artistic endeavors I feel that I am left behind. I can’t think with clarity. The road to my journey seems foggy. Nothing seems right. With nothing much that I can … Read More

Painting Day 28: What is Love

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I painted a mini booklet filled with the beautiful meaning of love from the Bible as a simple gift for a friend who has just gotten married. I enjoyed painting on it. I have given the booklet to her. I hope she likes it. Enjoy! “Love is Kind” “Love rejoices in truth”; “Love bears all things” “Love believes all things”; “Love hopes all things” “Love endures all things”; “Love never fails” God is Love Have a beautiful weekend filled with … Read More

Painting Day 27: Switch Light and Revelation

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I painted this study light called Switch Light at our living room. This is used by my Dad whenever he reads newspaper at night while watching T.V. I often imagine having a Switch Light on my bed side table so that I can read without having to open the main light. But I still manage without it. I have been thinking a lot about how I can step up in terms of my dreams. But really all I could do right … Read More

Painting Day 24: Create Wherever You Are

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I bring a small sketchbook with me everywhere I go. Whenever I had the opportunity to sketch, I sketch. I use a Pen. And as you can see there are crooked lines and the stem is out of the bottle. The bottle itself is out of shape too. There’s no way I can erase those mistakes. And it’s perfectly okay. I use a water brush and the water oozes too much onto the paper. With paint too. It is a … Read More

Painting Day 21: Paint the Wheel with Colors

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I am still studying Colors. Today I started building up the color wheel as instructed by Dr. Betty Edwards. Primary Colors (Yellow, Red, Blue) Secondary colors (Orange, Violet, Green)– they cannot be achieved by mixing 2 primaries since it creates muddy versions. Thereby manufacturers created separate pigments for them. Tertiary Colors (Yellow orange, red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue green, yellow green). They are created by mixing 1 primary with 1 secondary except for red violet where Alizarin Crimson … Read More

Painting Day 20: Colors Tell Stories

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As I continue my study of  Colors I learned that colors alone tell stories and breathe interpretation of moods, feelings and senses. For the first exercise I paint the colors that I like and the colors that I dislike. If you have seen my paintings in the past the dominant colors that I usually use are the bright ones. Personally my favorite colors are green, yellow and blue I love browns but I rarely use them especially when I am painting … Read More

Painting Day 18 and 19: See and Paint

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I was out all day on a Sunday. Driving lesson. Bonding with the boyfriend after a 1 week no meetup hiatus (it’s that long LOL). I brought my sketchbook with me and manage to draw while we’re just chilling at a cafe. Below is the leftover pieces of a Brandy Walnut Prune Cake. Very small slice. A Mother sat one table apart from us. I adore the prints of her blouse. For today’s painting I was studying Color— a course … Read More

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