Illustrating for Freya Pickard

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Last year, author Freya Pickard and I had another collaboration. She wanted me to create a series of illustrations for her newsletter and Pure Haiku for 2022. The first one was a volcano for Pure Haiku. She wanted the left side to be grassy, with flowers blooming and a dormant volcano, while the right side is a dark sky and lava pouring from an erupted volcano. I lightly sketched the elements and created a dividing line. I used watercolor to … Read More

Slippery Chameleon

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Author Freya Pickard is working on another story called Arturina. She wanted a picture to portray a space opera. Like the previous collaboration, she gave me free rein to draw whatever that inspires me from her collections of Pinterest images. I chose the chameleon because its skin looks interesting to paint! Freya said that the chameleon in her story is a slippery one because it changes its shape a lot and he cannot remember his original form! He is both … Read More


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Author Freya Pickard needs a picture to portray a character in her novel Hrukham. I’m excited for another collaboration with this creative writer. I checked her collection of inspiration over on her Pinterest board and decided on a sunset grassland image. Freya shared that the image depicts the grassland of the southern plains. They are verdant and filled with life, but, from beyond their borders, an evil threatens that kills and maims and poisons the land. I’m sharing my process … Read More

Lady Parsley Wigglinis

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The author Freya Pickard and I had another collaboration. For her Dragonscale Clippings, she wanted me to illustrate Parsley who has long, reddish hair in ringlets, green eyes, and pale skin. She is looking annoyed with her hands on her hips. Writing down the specification helps organize my thoughts. I did some research and roughly sketched Parsley and a variation of her annoyed facial expressions. I transferred the ideas into watercolor paper. I enjoyed painting the different shades of greens … Read More

Dancing Goddess for Pure Haiku

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The author, Freya Pickard wanted me to create an image for her Pure Haiku website (where she publishes her own + other peoples’ traditional haiku). She wanted a female character, possibly a goddess or angel. She is fire and water, ice and electricity. There will be lots of bright colors, energy and swirling lines. She is dancing and turning about. I began to write down the guidelines on a notebook. I checked Freya’s Pinterest board for inspiration and did additional … Read More