How to Build Good Habits that will Make Us Fruitful

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Airplant; watercolor on paper Most of us have written goals that will guide us on what we need to focus on for the New Year. I have written faith goals that I am believing and partnering with God for. I also themed my days according to what work I need to focus on (i.e. Mondays are for planning, Tuesdays for recording). However, our pastor said that every goals or New Year resolutions fail by the third of the month because of formed … Read More

Grace in the Not So Comfort Zone

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The restaurant was packed with people. As the waiter ushered us toward our table in the middle, with strangers in front of me, on the side and basically every corner, my heart did a nervous dance. Am I really going to paint in the midst of all these people?! Can I just do the demo at home instead of doing it in public? Husband encouraged me that whatever I will be doing, people wouldn’t mind. The voices in my head never stop whispering fear … Read More

Sketch Your Life: Student Gallery Part 4 of 4

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I can attest that sketching from life is challenging (especially using a pen!) yet very rewarding. I don’t think about making my sketches perfect or else I might as well feel intimidated of even starting at all. All I care about is the experience of savouring the life around me and the tremendous learning that happens whenever I step out in faith to do something that undoubtedly scares me (at first) but by the grace of God I am strengthen to do whatever … Read More

Teaching Painting

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It has always been my desire to teach painting but I guess teaching painting is quite different from painting itself. I mean when I paint I feel so focused and in the “zone” that I am not actually thinking of the way or steps that I paint. But when I get to teach that, I find it challenging because I need to actually verbalize the steps and be able to translate from what is vague and difficult to manageable and … Read More

Singapore Cityscape

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As I am being refined and renewed and sanctified, I find that I long all the more to dig deeper and deeper into who God created me to be. That means less of the looking around at what this world is up to but more onto His Word first so that I will be able to know the needs of others better. Similarly as I progress as an artist by His grace I want to hone the way I paint and … Read More

84: New Thing

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Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19) my first painting for 2015 was dated April and the title was Newness. this month’s painting, unaware of the previous almost similar note, I typed New Thing. what’s with being new? or renewed? what is God doing in our lives that is new? how is mercy new? how is grace … Read More

Grace in 2014

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Beyond (watercolor) I sat on the corner of the bed, eyes and nose watery from a possible cold. That’s not how I hope to start New Year. But I know that that is exactly where God wants me to be…right where He is. To hold fast to Him. To rely on His grace. To spend time with Him. Not blindly nod on another selfish commitment or overwhelm myself with lists. God wants me to rest in Him alone. To discard the pleasures of this world … Read More

34: Red Spice

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The past few days I was excited to help mom prep the chili. I was confident because I watched it done by chefs. I carefully drew the knife across the skin so that it opened in half. Feeling like a pro, I removed the seeds…using my bare fingers. What happened next was beyond my expectation. It was like my fingers have been dipped several times in boiling water. It leave me with a painful burning sensation that lasted for several hours. Half of … Read More

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