Green Orchids

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In its short span of life, a flower gives it all– beauty, colors, fragrance, decoration, accessory, food, medicine, wonder. I had the pleasure of sketching it up close, observing and beholding while the orchid lasts. The life of a flower reminds me of Jesus when He was living on earth. How short His life was yet He left us with an eternal impact. As His Holy Spirit lives in the hearts of God’s children, may we live a life worthy of the calling God … Read More

Spirit Not of Fear

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Preserved 2 Too often I work things in my head before I even attempted anything. Because of that I tend to shrink away from the actual work that God has prepared for me to do. My role playing mind says: “Someone can do it better, there is nothing new in what I do, what can people learn from someone like me, i don’t have anything meaningful to say… bottomline is I am not good.” Maybe you can relate. I can … Read More