A Cold Frosty Scene

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watercolor on paper Creativity takes courage, as the famous old master, Henri Matisse said. I believe creativity is to make something that I have never done or tried before. To nurture creativity would mean not only looking inward– into my ideas and imagination, but also outward–creation of God and man made words, ideas and things. It also helps not to hang out too much at the online sphere, lest the creativity will die–at least for me. Freya Pickard‘s words feed my … Read More

Oil of Sage

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Oil of Sage (watercolor on paper) Collaborating with writers stimulates my creativity as an artist. And I’m thankful for the open door to work with author Freya Pickard on her Clippings #16. She gave me a snippet of her story titled Oil of Sage… “The aroma of apple wood burning in the grate reminded the elderly man fleetingly of summer. He bent over, lighting the taper in his hand and straightened carefully. The day had been mild, even for this … Read More