(New Class) Watercolor Sketching Your Life

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As much as I like sketching in pen, sometimes I find the freedom of not doing any initial sketch and just diving right in with watercolor. It’s the same feeling that my young learners have whenever I will ask them to outline their penciled drawings with marker. They mostly feel daunted by the task because they prefer to just go and paint. I remembered when I was just starting out, I would draw directly with watercolor. It doesn’t matter if the output looks … Read More

Elfje Inspired

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I often tell Freya how her words evoke a creativity that prompts me to pick up the brush. Her stories elevate my senses like a curious child. I think we all experience that same wonder and marvel of reading a novel, a poem or a short story from a writer whose words affect our lives in a profound way. Wanting to stretch my creativity as well as thank my author friend for her inspirational words, I offered to create an … Read More

Painting Day 34 & 35

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“Ruins” Acrylic on paper “Burst” Acrylic on paper I am eating paint for breakfast. Although my breakfast is always a typical oatmeal, bread and egg, My approach to painting has been nothing but intuitive play. Like a child dabbing on a color and applying it confidently onto canvas, I trust the process of creating. It warms my heart to know that God created this world out of nothing. He inspires me to create a masterpiece out of a blank paper. … Read More

A Farewell Gift

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One of our dear officemate which is also our friend is leaving the team (my previous team at work) and moving on to a new role (we’re happy for her!).  I was assigned to work on the design of the scrapbook to be given to her. It was scary just thinking about committing on something which I am not very sure how it would turn out. But what better for me to do than to take the first step? I … Read More

Water+Paint = Watercolor!

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I love watercolor. I love the after texture that it creates– the different mixes of colors blended to create a harmonious painting. I love how it has a “life” of its own– the way the colors just creep towards each other creating a surprise or sometimes what they call a “happy accident”. I love brushes. I love the sight of watercolor tubes on a palette. I love watching or seeing people’s paintings in watercolor. Imagine the joy it brings to me … Read More