How to Draw Everyday?

with 54 Comments

It starts with a Sketchbook. Or a paper. Use a Ballpen. Or a pencil.

elisa choi photography

Last year I journal with words. I write my day’s event on paper. Filling it with complete details as much as possible. This 2012 I still journal but this time I DRAW my day’s event and write.

I draw inspiration from a coffee break with a friend who by the way is chasing after his dreams. Hooray!

I draw what I observe. My sister here is a perfect “still life”. PS* This sketch doesn’t look like her but I manage to capture the form. It’s still human! Haha

I draw what I eat. I didn’t bring my sketchbook to the place though but I captured the food in my mind and draw it when I got home. Still craving for these delicious food!

I draw the highlight of my day…which is a Cornetto Disc. Simple joy!

I color everything with watercolor and sometimes a bit of color pens for the words. I draw anywhere mostly while watching a late night tv series.

This is my perfect cup of motivation: Drawing my life.

You try it too! It’s filled with learnings and fun and good for our creative souls. Happy PPF!

PPS* Michael Nobbs’ Start to Draw Your Life ebook is an amazing feast for the eyes and inspiration to start drawing our lives and keep practicing! You can download for free and pay with a tweet. Check it out!

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Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.

54 Responses

  1. Rhonda

    Great idea! You should sign up for the Sketchbook Project! Happy PPF!

  2. Annette G

    Such a great idea and such fun also. Happy PPF, x

  3. Sunshineshelle

    Drawn from life – great idea & also let’s face it not many shows take all our concentration – Happy PPF :)

  4. mandy at eight is enough

    what a cool idea…i love your person reading the best i think…xxx

  5. Crystal

    Love your journal!

  6. Sheri Cook

    I love how we can see simple everyday life via your Sketchbook.
    It is really a great idea to carry paper and pen with us everywhere.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook

  7. Carol

    Great idea and wonderfully expressive visually as well as the bits of writing ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

  8. Mary C. Nasser

    Very inspiring and an excellent idea to draw your life!
    Love the combination of text and images! :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  9. Gloria J Zucaro

    I have heard that all great artists constantly draw from life and always have their sketchbook handy. Love your picture journal.

  10. gloria

    Oh I love this. Drawing from every day life. Wishing I had that ability but it’s very hard for me. Great job. Love your journal.

  11. Daniele

    this is really nice!

  12. NatashaMay

    That’s a fab idea. Looks amazing! :)

  13. JKW

    I like the idea, it will bring to you see more in every day life, which is always a good thing. I think I miss so much. I like to photograph and see what I’ve missed by not paying more attention. Your way is excellent to focus. Blessings, Janet PPF

  14. Robin

    What a fun journal to keep! Your pages look wonderful! ~Happy Paint Party Friday #2 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  15. Mari

    You understand, I do the mismotengo drawings and doodles anywhere. Saludos

  16. Faye

    Dear Elisa, your drawings are wonderful. I love the flower in the top one and the BLT in the food ones. This is such a great idea.

  17. Christine

    wonderful work!

  18. Timeless Rituals

    Keep on drawing your life! It’s amazing1

  19. carlarey

    Great job capturing your daily life. After a while it becomes such a habit that you can’t imagine being without your sketchbook and pencils. Thanks for the tip on the e-book too.


    Great idea !!!!

  21. mimi torchia boothby watercolors

    great ideas! You manage to get a lot of paper covered. This works well for me in meetings, i have a book full of faces drawn in meetings over the last several years.
    Happy PPF!

  22. lydia

    I really like seeing your days in drawn form- I’ve been trying the journal every day but I’m not great at it- maybe drawing my day would make it something I tried to do more? Great idea.

  23. Elisa Choi

    Hi, Lydia. Sometimes we have to start somewhere and drawing your life is definitely a great opportunity to draw everyday and learn and experiment too. All you need is a sketchbook or a paper then start. You don’t have to worry it’s not good etc. Just draw and eventually you will improve. Have fun! Thank you!

  24. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Mimi! The only way to learn something and be good at it is to practice. I like your idea too. I want to learn how to draw people’s faces and might try doing that. Thanks! :)

  25. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Carol!

  26. Elisa Choi

    Exactly my thoughts! Thanks a lot Carla!

  27. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much! :) You try it too!

  28. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Christine!

  29. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Faye! I really love the flower too and enjoying the process of creating simple drawings everyday

  30. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Mari. I am not sure what mismotengo means but it definitely is a worthwhile activity of arts! Hooray!

  31. Elisa Choi

    Thank you robin!

  32. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Janet! Drawing can help us focus much as writing. Photography helps us to focus too and observant. I think it’s a matter on how we devote our senses to the things around us. Try drawing your life :)

  33. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Natasha!

  34. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Daniele!

  35. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Gloria! And no I disagree with you about not having that ability. Your paintings are beautiful and you can definitely just try your hands in drawing what you see. It’s basically the same. Try it alright? :)

  36. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Gloria. I love your statement!

  37. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Mary!

  38. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Carol!

  39. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Sheri! I agree and it’s fun in the process as well as looking at it again in years to come.

  40. Elisa Choi

    Thank you!

  41. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Mandy!

  42. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot!

  43. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Rhonda! Yes I have! I joined sketchbook project 2012. :)

  44. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much!

  45. Nicole/Beadwrigh

    This is such a good idea. I really like what your are doing.

  46. Alicia

    what a great process. Takes discipline, too. THere’s this great book out there I was fortunate to run into at a Borders once (back when there was a Borders…) called An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators and Designers

    just looking at the Amazon right now I notice there are so many… but it’s great how all artists basically (or most, I guess) follow similar processes.

  47. Kristin Dudish

    I love the combination of imagery and text… Drawing every day is fantastic! Wheee!


  48. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Kristin!

  49. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Nicole! You should try it too!

  50. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Alicia. I agree that this takes discipline.. everything we do takes a lot of time and perseverance. Thanks for the suggestion, I think I have heard of the book. Will check it out. All artists do follow similar process which I believe is practice in whatever we want to do. I love what you said. :)

  51. Georgie Horn

    Thank you for following me, I can’t find a button here to follow..but I have found you on Facebook and “liked”

  52. Heather Foust

    Wonderful Journal Pages! Happy PPF!

  53. Elisa Choi

    Thanks a lot Heather!

  54. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much my dear! The one that I have shared on FB is on my personal site not the Harmony Thoughts site. :)

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