February is all about painting flowers. I think I will never get tired of painting them. This series is still from the bouquet given to me by J. Some notes…
- The intricate details of a flower can be intimidating to paint. I’m almost tempted to sketch it first but thankfully I didn’t. I sort of force my brain to really “see” the flower in its simple shapes. I begin from the center and paint the negative space to leave the illusion of white like buds.
- Paints are mixed on paper– meaning I dab Cobalt Blue on one side of the brush and Permanent Pink on the other then paint the petals on paper. The result is freshly blended colors.
- I did not paint each petal as it is but softened some of them and bleed them away with water.
- Lastly, I add the soft veins, darken the center and paint the background.
I really enjoy the element of surprise that can be incorporated in a painting. Watercolor is all about painting with freedom.

Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!
A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.