New Year

with 8 Comments


“New Year: In memory of the 27 souls of Sandy Hook Elementary School” ~Watercolor in Berkeley paper

2012 has been a brave year for me.

I want to live. I need to feel alive in what I do. And so I layout my plans to God. Slowly as the sun rises and sets my prayer is answered. It’s a joyful bumpy ride: to go back to school, to quit my 5-year job, to be a Christian and truly worship and praise God, to inspire others through my art, to be blessed with loved ones and true friends.

Truly each passing year is the same. Regardless of the new goals and resolutions, new clothes and traditions.
It’s how we live that makes the difference. It’s when we do. It’s when we make time.

We all want to have good health, relationships, career, finances, things and dreams.
We all want to be better as the New Year arrives.
But I am reminding myself to live. To go from my mind –that is filled with all the wants and needs–to my heart that is craving for the unwavering truth of life — to live a purposeful life.
A life that is dedicated to worshiping God, making disciples, helping the needy, working on the life’s work and living in gratitude everyday.
Nothing else matters than pleasing God. Glorifying Him in what I do.

I do not need any word to guide or to inspire or to start 2013.

All I need is God.

And I pray that as I journey on earth I will walk closer to my deeper self. To let go of ego and forgive past hurts. To notice the beauty of the present. To keep going amidst the suffering. I pray that as I write my faith goals I will be reminded that God is in control. I pray that He will change and mold me to be a better person in Him.

Be still and listen. There you will find God.

As the New Year slowly unfolds, new ordinary adventures will be revealed. Miracles will start to happen.

Surrender. Thankful. Gratitude. Tears of joy. Deep breaths. Praise.
Life is so full joy because of you Lord.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you dear family, friends, artists, strangers liking my page. Thank you for your support. It’s a pleasure to have you in my life. Looking forward to 2013 with you all.

Blessed New Year to all of you! Sending Hugs and Love! :)

Fall Fearless and Fly Headline Prompt:  Future Imperfect: What is different about your life now than what you once expected it to be?  How is the way it turned out perfect or imperfect.  If your future turns out differently than you imagined in the first prompt, could it still be perfect?

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Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.

8 Responses

  1. Tammie


    your words feel strong and beautiful
    your forest is lovely and inviting

  2. Gloria J Zucaro

    Wishing you a holy year, that you desire. I like the one little spark of new growth/life in the tulip.

  3. Faye

    Lis, such an inspiring and beautiful post. Since Christmas we have already lost a family member. Life is short. We need to cherish each day. I want to spend more quality time with my husband of 55 years. I was going to say that at our age, one never knows how many more days we have. And then I remembered the beautiful tribute you painted at the top of this post. Those little kids didn’t even have a decade of life on earth. Your painting is lovely.

  4. Annette G

    Beautiful thoughts and love the little flower bursting through the snow. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. Mary C. Nasser

    What a beautiful and meaning piece. Lovely.
    Happy PPF!!

  6. Sadee

    Beautiful thoughts, so full of Truth. Thank you for the encouragement. I’m looking for miracles this year too!

  7. gloria

    Beautiful tribute. Happy New Year to you and yours. Happy PPF!

  8. Marji

    Power post. Lovely artwork.

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