I have known God since I was a little girl when my parents enrolled me in a Catholic school. I know him in the stories of the Bible. I know that I cannot see him but I can possibly hear or feel him. But he sees us wherever we are.
God is my everything. Words cannot be written to explain the grandiosity of God. Arts cannot be created to reveal the beauty of his majesty. All I know is this: I love him. I accept him. I adore him. I believe in him. I will do everything for him. Praying to God alone brings tears to my eyes. He moves me. His love for us surpasses those of human beings. The lack we have in life he fills it with his overflowing love. All the fears and worries of tomorrow are gone because he is to come. He is for us. He is yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is nothing to fear.
We do not need to do good works to impress him. We do not need to be someone else. We do not need to be excellent in what we do. Because it’s been done. God has given to us his only Son Jesus Christ whom he so loved to redeem us from our sins. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23-24).
As Christine Jeske said in the book This Ordinary Adventure, “God loves us unconditionally. When we believe it, claim it and own it, we’re free. God sent his son Jesus Christ to die for us generic Barbies with our legs falling off. That’s called grace. It’s a good time to ask if we’ve been trying to prove ourselves to a holy God who just wants us to stop trying so hard to impress somebody, who just wants us to let him love us. There’s something magnetic about people who are transformed by grace. They live completely certain that God finds them beautiful, cool, approved and beloved, so they never have to try to earn God’s–or anyone else’s–approval. They live not trying, but trusting. They live not accomplishing great things in order to be loved, but accomplishing great things because they are loved.”
I read the Bible every night and write my devotions for him in my journal. Instead of Dear Diary I write Dear God. Sharing with him every corner of my heart and soul. I pray. I treasure and ponder on the Good News. He is the best listener. He loves us dearly.
I painted this piece intuitively in acrylics. It’s almost as if my mind is somewhere in solitude. Praise God everyday of our lives!
Fall Fearless and Fly
Headline Prompt: Divided by God: What does “God” mean to you? How do you access “God” or the divine or the sacred in your life?

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
9 Responses
Jessica Sporn
what a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and gorgeous art.
Wonderful! I like that you write Dear God in your journal. I do that sometimes too. Or I’ll make lists of prayer requests in my art journal. That book sounds interesting. I might have to check that out!
Your intuitive piece so beautifully expresses your heart’s devotion to God, lovely. xox
a great post!
wish you a wonderful christmastime and a healthy and sucessfull new year and a big hug from
Julie smith
Beautiful. Merry Christmas. Julie
I can see the Love shining through in this piece :)
Carolyn Dube
I love that your journal page was much like a meditation! So glad you shared this with Fall Fearless and Fly! Have a wonderful holiday!
Linda k
There is much love and joy in your words of faith and in your journal page. Thanks for sharing at FF & F!
diane morris
how well you expressed your devotion to God. thanks so much for sharing. i especially relate to the idea that we don’t have to “perform” for God’s approval….though i often think as if i do.