Bringing the light of Jesus in all that we do wherever we go. Representing Christ well in a world that is challenging our stand for holiness. Our purpose as Christians is this: whatever we do, wherever God place us, we are to carry our beautiful feet to spread the gospel. We are to open our mouths boldly to speak the word without fear. We are to work for the glory of God regardless how we like or dislike what we do. We are to bring the love of Jesus to others. Because God loves us first when He gave his only Son to die for our sins when we least deserve it. We are able to love because God is love. His grace is enough.
I joined this Valentine Card Challenge to bring the good news to the children of Uganda that there is hope. That there is One who loves them dearly. That it is not the end. That Jesus Christ is the source of life…
Prayers and ways to help the Ugandan children.

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
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