84: New Thing

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Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19) my first painting for 2015 was dated April and the title was Newness. this month’s painting, unaware of the previous almost similar note, I typed New Thing. what’s with being new? or renewed? what is God doing in our lives that is new? how is mercy new? how is grace … Read More

Merry Christmas!

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“Poinsettia” in watercolor My brother and I rode a jeep to attend worship service one Sunday morning. There were no passengers inside except for a little boy. He was wearing a long worn shirt that touches his knee. His bare feet and hands covered in grime. He held a box wrapped with festive paper scribbled with the word donations on top. While we gave him something I ponder about Christmas. Like the little boy we are all covered with the grime, … Read More