October 2017 Rekindle Memories Gallery and Stories

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I felt a little closer to the artists who shared snippets of their lives through sketches and paintings. The stories that accompanied the art made me visualize what they have experienced in the other side of the world. Please enjoy the October collection of artworks and stories that rekindles so many wonderful memories. I’m thankful for this small community of artists who support this tiny endeavor and make it so meaningful.

Susan; Canada

The autumn leaves rekindles memories of walks in the woods around our family cottage. After 24 years of cottaging, we tore down the cottage and built a home on its footprint, and we lived in our lake house for 7 years. I miss walking the silent woods in autumn and marveling at all the colours of the leaves.


Kate; USA

Another flower-as-memory — a street rose hardily growing in an unlikely place, found on a walk and this painting will remind me of that breakfast with my husband. Your group makes me realize how many memories are triggered by flowers.


Dogwoods remind me of sitting in the backseat on long drives in the Grass Valley California area near my grandparent’s ranch. My grandma Mimi would show me how you can see the lovely dogwoods through the green forests… Seeing them anywhere reminds me of her, and she is the one who gave me a huge part of my love for all things Californian.


Fernando; Brazil

This is a famous place here in my city. It is very near the place I work but only recently I was able to admire it from above. That was a great experience.. It was made later a little by memory, a little fantasy…


Veronika; Bulgaria

We were in the Caucasian mountains last year. Lots of laughter and wine and good food. The mountains were not bad too.


A month ago we were sailing in the South China Sea. In this part of the world there is a cloud called Morning Glory.


Carolyn; USA

More from the garden. New Zealand spinach. Not really a spinach but similar. It doesn’t bolt in heat. Very fleshy leaves. Great taste.


One of my many pots of geraniums. They loved our hot summer. I will snip all of them to make new plants for next year.


Apples. Many memories. My DMIL loved to put up and apples were hers and my favorites. Her applesauce was the best.


Individual geranium blossom.


Rainbow chard from our garden. My in-laws loved Swiss chard. And we do also.


Mini pumpkins from our garden. Fall, a favorite memory starter. Jams, pies, but breads.


October and we are still picking squash. Loved having a real garden this year. Looking forward to next year.


Smita; India

The Naga Viper Pepper. A true meal for us is incomplete without a hot chutney made from these peppers. Btw, the Naga Viper Pepper was world’s hottest pepper around 2011. It is still one of the hottest peppers.


Few of my trinkets… Picked from different places…


Tassel hoops… I love #handcraftedjewellery. People who know me seldom see me putting on any jewellery but I do love collecting the ones that strike a chord. My visit home this week was short and very busy but we managed to buy some handcrafted ethnic stuff and these hoops are one of them. Now, as I am sitting with the unpacking, I took a break for this small sketch.


Melanie; New Zealand

The first two, Mt Fuji and “Home is where the mountains are” showed the fresh approach I had to painting mountains/landscapes.


Carrot cake and a soy latte, at Fresca cafe. We used to have a family Friday night dinner, but most of us were too tired after the week to be bothered going out together and would prefer takeaways in our respective houses. Until… I suggested we change it to Sunday brunch/lunch. The only day we’re all not working or at school. Which has been wonderful. My mum and dad shared the carrot cake, soy latte is mine. I can’t remember what we all had for lunch that day but it was nice to spend time together. First first coffee and cake sketchbook painting. Quite amazed at how it has turned out.


Elisa; Singapore

We went to the Singapore National Museum and visited the Witness to War exhibit. There was this area where children can explore and learn more about the experiences of people during the war in 1942. During that time, many were hungry because of the lack of food coming in. Wartime Kitchen was about encouraging people to grow their own food to sustain them through that very difficult time


A warm afternoon to rest from the day’s toil, keeping up with the lives of loved ones. I love days, especially on weekends, to just close my eyes and savor the gentle breeze under the shade of the trees. Grateful to be alive. Have a restful weekend!


Rekindle Memories will happen again on the 1st to 7th of November. If you’re new, this event is about treasuring each memory (past or present) by remembering and appreciating life in all its wonder and beauty through sketching and painting on-location wherever we are in the world.

Every first week of the month, we will all create one (or as many!) sketches/paintings of our lives that has captured our interest. We will tag our artworks with #rekindlememories and the country where you’re from (i.e. #singapore). You can post your artwork anywhere you wish in social media. Please don’t forget to use the hashtags so I can easily find your work. A gallery of stories will be created to celebrate the inspiration of art made from around the world.

You are welcome to create and share sketches even if the event has already finished. If you wish to be with other Rekindle Memories artists, please join here.

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