Handmade Gift Exchange

with 29 Comments

I joined the Handmade Gift Exchange for June 2012 hosted by the lovely Linda Gardner. I was assigned a Craftee (person who will receive my handmade gift) who is from Germany named Friesenliese. I learned from her website that she’s a crafty person. She loves to sew, knit, read and many more. I was a bit pressured since I don’t know how to sew or knit or even worse make things. How I wish I can make jewelries or knit some hats!

But I am a painter. And the only thing I know how is to paint something.

She loves to read and so I painted 3 bookmarks that suits her personality.

Bookmark #1 (back and front)

painted bookmark in watercolor

Bookmark #2 (back and front)

painted bookmark in watercolor

Bookmark #3 (back and front)

painted bookmark in watercolor

Then I painted the cover of a notebook that she can use to record her days and inspiration.

(Back and front)

painted notebook cover

I inserted a lovely (now dried) leaf and a Philippine stamp inside the notebook. I wrote a simple letter for her. I really hope that she will like the simple handmade gift created with much love. I had so much fun creating my mixed media pieces!

Off to the mail!

handmade painted goodies

And next time I will be engaging myself into a bit of craft making like trying my hands on making friendship bracelet for instance. I’ll be joining the next handmade exchange on November. You can check out what the other Crafters have created here. Oooh, wonderful indeed!

Thank you very much Linda for organizing such a wonderful handmade exchange party! It totally challenged me and more than that I enjoyed creating something for another person. I am excited to receive my gift soon! :] 

Have a lovely weekend folks!

Paint Party Friday!

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Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.

29 Responses

  1. Annette G

    Smashing bookmarks and journal cover am sure she will be delighted with them. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Joann Wheeler

    What a great idea to paint bookmarks…they look great. I’m sure she’ll love them.

  3. Carol

    Colorful, creative bookmarks and cover ~ She will love them! ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  4. minnemie

    What a beautiful gift! I especially like the art on the printed pages – I keep wanting to try that. And your ocean scene is wonderful! The splattering adds great texture and interest!

  5. Karen Smithey

    Love all the bookmards!

  6. Marji

    Your bookmarks are wonderful. They are the perfect gift. Well done. Happy PPF

  7. Patsy

    Hi! I like joining swaps too and I just put my name in for a mail art swap. We’re going to decorate envelopes. Tell me if you want to join in and I’ll send you the details by email. i am sure F wil be delighted with your notebook and be thrilled to receive it! Patsy

  8. Tracey Fletcher King

    hat is a great package for someone to receive… they will be thrilled…xx

  9. Anne

    Absolutely lovely gifts, she will surely be delighted!

  10. Mary C. Nasser

    Pretty painted bookmarks and notebook!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  11. Carolyn Dube

    This is a wonderful gift – not only because of the fantastic art but the heart that clearly went into creating it!

  12. JKW

    The bookmarks and covers are an excellent idea. How perfect. Blessings, Janet PPF

  13. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Janet!

  14. Elisa Choi

    Thank you very much Carolyn! :)

  15. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Mary!

  16. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Anne! :)

  17. Elisa Choi

    Thanks much Tracey!

  18. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Patsy! I enjoyed every moment painting!

  19. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Marji! :)

  20. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Karen!

  21. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much! I appreciate your sweet words! :) It was a fun thing to paint!

  22. Elisa Choi

    Thank you Carol! :)

  23. Elisa Choi

    Thanks Joann!

  24. Elisa Choi

    Thanks much Annette!

  25. Caitlyn

    Beautiful bookmarks!! I bet she’ll be delighted.

  26. Elisa Choi

    Thank you caitlyn! :)

  27. Alicia

    insane thing wouldn’t let me comment before now for some reason LOL!!! Bizarre computer…… I absolutely adore these gifts!! I would love nothing more than bookmarks like these, especially as a reader. Lovely!

  28. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Alicia! You are such a sweet person! Makes me think to make some as a giveaway! :)

  29. Claudia

    Dear Elisa,
    here is your craftee :-) The post needs time, so many time. But now I can see, what I will get – and I’m falling in love!! I’m an absolut dud (not a dude ;-)) in painting. Everything looks like a beetle, I don’t know why??
    And now I see this wonderful little pictures you made for me! Wow!!
    Now I can’t wait for my gift!

    All the best :-)

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