When I joined the one month painting everyday challenge last May inspired by Dana I know that I can do this. Although I have skipped a few days and that today is June already I decided to go beyond May so that I have actually painted for a month. I will continue.
What painting everyday has taught me:
1. I love to use bright warm and cool colors.
2. I almost always tend to put on random splashes of color to start the flow.
3. I love words and tend to put strips of paper with words of wisdom.
4. I love to paint trees, dots and shapes.
5. Skipping painting is like skipping breakfast. I cannot live without it.
6. Intuitive painting relaxes me.
7. I itch to paint on canvas but I am procrastinating. Maybe I’m still in fear. But I will try soon.
8. I find it difficult to create something in an enclosed space. I need to see windows and to move.
9. I enjoy painting as a gift for others.
10. I enjoy painting for myself in a deeper sense.
The 3 pieces above are painted for our World Vision child sponsor, Chen-Chen. The card was sent today.
How are your artistic endeavors going? How are your dreams? Have a nice day everyone!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
2 Responses
Dana Barbieri
I LOVE what all the painting has brought to you! That is a great list Elisa. I was thinking about painting this morning… we wouldn’t miss a day of brushing our teeth why should we miss a day of painting?
Elisa Choi
Very well said Dana! Thanks so much for bringing that inspiration to the table.