48: Few More Steps

48: Few More Steps

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watercolorpainting_ElisaChoi_Few More Steps

“Few More Steps” watercolor on sketchbook

Half of the day I decided to sketch and paint one of Hannah Loaring’s photos at Further Bound. It was rather a quick sketch on pen and then a loose brush of watercolor. The poor paper cannot take much of the abuse of water. Also the paint stains therefore it is difficult to soften some edges.

After working on my first freelance project and waiting for the client’s feedback I silenced myself for a moment. There is this adrenaline rush of requiring myself to accomplish the next task. Feeling very tired of pushing myself I quickly grab my sketchbook for a break.

Few more steps. I am feeling the woman’s heavily paced steps as she carries the big load of laundry back to her home. Or perhaps just preparing to wash them. What attracts me to paint her is the very colorful outfit that she wore. Another thing is the atmosphere of weariness that I feel or perhaps the embrace of life despite the poor situation. I am always drawn to human emotions. The deeper and darker the more interested and inspired I am to reach out and capture that essence.

Maybe I am like the woman herself. Tired but keeping on. Thinking what’s next but moving on. Never giving up because life is beautiful. Because I trust.

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Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.