Painting Day 30: Painting to Uplift

with 2 Comments

The past few days of June I have been feeling emotional. The heaviness of heart. The pressure of making decisions. I feel that time is running away and yet I haven’t accomplished a thing. Nothing special. Nothing useful for my dreams. While others continue to make more money with their artistic endeavors I feel that I am left behind. I can’t think with clarity. The road to my journey seems foggy. Nothing seems right. With nothing much that I can handle on my own I pray for God’s wisdom to guide me. I pray that His love will fill me. He always knows best.

Today I still feel the same way. I rarely talk to people about my inner struggles but writing them down helps. And I don’t quite care if people read it or not because they wouldn’t mind anyway.

It’s been 2 days or so since I last painted. And I sat down today trying to work on a card that we will giving to our World Vision sponsored child, Chen-Chen who has just graduated recently from Elementary. Without any idea at first I painted away with colors. Then I added line ink trees. Below is the finished card. I love it.

painting to uplift

We are so proud of you, Chen-Chen.

painting to uplift

I am uplifted today. I may not be the best but I am the best in the eyes of God.

God has touched my life today through painting. Through creating for others.

Now I am off to buy something special for Chen-Chen. Love love love for you my dear child!

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2 Responses

  1. Dana Barbieri

    Hi sweetie! I feel things very similar to you! I am happy you felt better after painting. Always helps doesn’t? What a nice gift to give. It is great to see you keeping up the daily painting. xo

  2. Elisa Choi

    Thanks so much Dana! Painting always does help. Always. :) Have a great day!

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