Sketching in Transit 7

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Persevering Till the End

I saw him again on my way to work and had to quickly sketched him. He lived across from the bus stop, carrying his blue drawstring knapsack along with a belt bag and would slowly inch his way accompanied by his two four-legged canes. He inspires me. At his old age he still goes to work despite his condition. He always entered last in the bus and would go down at the first stop. I have no idea what his work is. I wonder if he experiences any pain or discomfort while walking…

While there is nothing wrong in retiring early and having the time of one’s life, I would prefer by God’s will to work even till old age. I don’t want to waste my life and wait for death while living a reckless YOLO life. My life is precious because it has been bought by the blood of Christ. Because of what He has done for me I want to live for Him.

Admittedly at times I wasted my life but I would always go back to Jesus and ask for His grace to help me make the best use of the time He has given to me. I want to do big things for God and have the burden that He has for His people. I want to create art that would draw people to Christ that they may come to know Him who is life in this dark and hopeless world. Jesus is our hope and joy and peace and strength and salvation. He has changed my life and therefore I want to go out of my comfort zone and bring His light wherever I go. May His grace be upon us as we live each day to serve Him and others for His greater glory.

James 1:12

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.


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Sketch Your Life Wherever You Are!

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.

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