Slippery Chameleon

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Author Freya Pickard is working on another story called Arturina. She wanted a picture to portray a space opera. Like the previous collaboration, she gave me free rein to draw whatever that inspires me from her collections of Pinterest images. I chose the chameleon because its skin looks interesting to paint! Freya said that the chameleon in her story is a slippery one because it changes its shape a lot and he cannot remember his original form! He is both a protector and a tempter. His character and physical form shifts and changes throughout the story.

I sketched the chameleon lightly with a pencil and outlined the major parts using a pen.

I painted the chameleon’s spots using Burnt Sienna and Orange.

I used Cobalt Blue to paint the spaces between the spots.

I darkened the shadow area of the chameleon using Prussian Blue. I also added more darks on the brown spots and details on the eye.

I tore pieces of paper that resembled the texture of the branch and leaves and created a collage.

I added more darks on the blues and painted small organic shapes inside the colored spots. I used a black pen to draw small circles on the body of the chameleon to give it a bumpy textured skin. You can read more about the Arturina story over on Pure Haiku here.

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One Response

  1. Arturina | purehaiku

    […] a total of 69 haiku on theme of ARTURINA back in March earlier this year. And thank you also to Elisa Choi Ang who has painted the Slippery Chameleon in such vivid […]

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