My Experience of Sketching with Noodler’s Ahab Fountain Pen

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I have always wanted to sketch using a fountain pen. Searching for the best fountain pen is personal and unique to the users’ needs. I like the flexible nib since I can create thick and lines like using a calligraphy pen. In this video, I shared a review of the Noodler’s Ahab fountain pen, how to refill ink, what ink you can use, how long the ink dries depending on the type of paper you use, mark-making, sketching, and the … Read More

Sketch Your Life

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It all started with a seed of idea– friends telling me that they were terrible at drawing and that they can only draw stick figures; my students drawing what they already know in their minds instead of looking at the subject and understand how it looks like. I wanted to reach out to them and make it easy for them to learn how to sketch by seeing. Thus Sketch Your Life was born. Japanese Garden in pen and watercolor It wasn’t easy. I … Read More