As Artists we have limitations too. Surely creating art is fun. Painting is awesome. Attending art class is fulfilling. But we also need to take a break from the creative things that we do.
In my case it’s a break from doing assignments and projects in my Visual Design class.
I know myself deeply. And I know when to stop. I know when it’s too much to bear.
Brainstorming has been a draining process lately.
My idea generating machine is starting to fail me.
Suddenly my concept boat is sinking.
Before I let all of the above hit rock bottom,
I grab my old black abandoned sketchbook.
I grab a pencil and start to sketch my sister’s bag.
The spiral pattern is simple yet interesting.
I notice the little and big details.
The stitches. The colors. The zipper. The small brand name.
My sketch is quick and graceful. I am in the moment. Time slows down as I try to capture something majestic.
My subject speaks to me. My mind did not say, “Stop! There is a mistake. You need to erase that.”
My mind and my heart just go with the flow of creating.
It’s so relaxing that it eases the tension of producing more concepts or worry about pending projects.
Because hey we can find inspiration anywhere.
My Sister’s Bag.
Sketch in pencil and trace with Micro Pigma pen. Watercolor and acrylics in sketchbook
I painted this in watercolor. The acrylics is applied on some of the spiral pattern outlines.
I am so thankful that I took this mini break.
To be with myself.
To create something simple yet full of life! It’s always in the attitude no?
To be aware on the beautiful present moment.
To see new inspiration. Rejuvenate my senses.
To create from my heart.
May we keep on creating. When what we are creating right now seems frustrating take a rest.
We can do nothing.
Or we can create something else.
Something that gives off sparks. Something simple.
Anything from the heart is.

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
22 Responses
Tracey Fletcher King
I wrote about a similar thing in a post earlier this week… it is good to just look around us for inspiration and rest the brain a bit… this is a great sketch…xx
Annette G
Terrific sketch. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x
Love your sketch and I bet your sister loves it. Thanks for the reminder
Apni Avani
Lovely sketch with attractive colors. I love how you’ve captured those small details.
Fun creation and well done ~ yep, I agree ~ it is all in the ‘attitude’ ~ I periodically need an ‘attitude adjustment’ myself ~ happy weekend ~ (A Creative Harbor)
Gloria J Zucaro
Great idea to R & R occasionally. Your sketch and painting so “full of life”! When I overdo, my body tells me by making me get sick…then I rest and relaxed because I have an excuse to STOP!
Elisa, your painting is gorgeous. Looks like an illustration for a magazine ad. Wish I could quickly sketch and then paint that well. Amazing talent.
Carolyn Dube
So glad you know what you need- many do not. Your sketch and watercolor is wonderful!
nora Clemens-Gallo
Love your sketch, and love the happy colors!!!
Happy PPF!
Yes, inspiration surrounds us on a daily basis… All we need to do is take the time to look. Your bag painting is really lovely. And, yes, it is so important to just go with the flow and follow your intuition. Happy PPF
Mary C. Nasser
Wonderful painting and post.
“Stop. Breathe. Allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing for a moment, or an hour, or
even a day. It is in emptiness that inspiration will appear.” ~Carole Katchen
Happy PPF!!
wonderful drawing i love this. x
great sketch! I can tell around the buckle that you really achieved flow here! that’s exactly what we need to give ourselves the space to do too, just zone out a bit and let the mind’s hemispheres talk to each other
Great post and drawing, very inspiring! Happy PPF!
Ayala Art
What a fun bag! Thanks for sharing it :o)
Did you get the art I sent you?I hope you did!!
I love what you did, fabulous representation, love the details. And I agree, sometimes we just need to step off the wheel and just create. Stunning.
Brilliant sketch! It’s such a wonderful feeling when you are able to step out of the grind and recapture the joy of creating.
Lynn Cohen
You descibe how I feel when I am truly in the zone with my drawings. Love the bag and it’s bright colors!
The Editor
It’s good to hear you took a break when you needed it. So often artists and writers tell me they are too worn out from doing and not being. Lovely colours in the bag!
great sketch and so bright! love it!
You are so right! Everyone needs a break and even artists and thinking creatively has limits.Your sketch is beautiful and I love that you just sit and sketch without a care in the world.Your drawing is really fantastic!
Dana Barbieri
It is a great sketch Elisa. Glad you know when to take a break. I was feeling a bit frustrated today while painting but quickly let it go. xoxo