One friend said that Rekindle Memories is making her record happy times on paper… Making memories come alive by sketching and painting them not only make us rekindle the happy old times but it also forge new memories as we notice one thing today that captures our interest. What a way to savor and be grateful for each moment, don’t you think?
Making art depends upon noticing things– things about yourself, your methods, your subject matter. Sooner or later, for instance, every visual artist notices the relationship of the line to the picture’s edge. Before that moment the relationship does not exist; afterwards it’s impossible to imagine it not existing. (Art and Fear)
Please enjoy the richness of March’s gallery and stories! Thank you so much to all the contributing artists! :)
60 of 365 #scorpion
61 of 365 #gunsnroses
62 of 365 #crab
63 of 365 #way of the #tiny #ninja
65 of 365 #foxontherun
70 of 365 #ships #waiting to enter the #port em
72 of 365 #abstract #landscape
73 of 365 #cacti in the #desert
79 of 365 #rainy
80 of 365 #sharpdressedman
81 of 365 #littlegirl
82 of 365 #abstract
Ahh, day 1. I’m so ready for Spring. A few crocus have managed to bloom.
Day 2. Cherry blossoms. Another sign of spring.
Day 3. Challenged myself with daffodils.
Day 4. Clematis. Because spring is so slow coming, I’ll think summer.
Day 5. Grape hyacinth. Quick sketch.
Day 6. Im not the only one waiting for Spring.
Day 7. Rough practice sketch. I love this photo.
You like where this is going? This is the second camera of the ongoing miniseries. My Agfa Isolette. Bought it at a flea market. Also I used a vintage diary this time that didn’t react to my watercolor as expected, but adds to the overall rugged look of the camera.
Started this as a blind contour drawing for practice. Also calmed down while finishing it.
Very quick one, an old Buick Regal.
The Hideout. Quick lunch break sketch.
Quickie on my way home (volvo)
Snow in March, this adds a white coating to an interesting structure and also enhances the texture.
The Pentalic sketchbook and the Kaweco AL Sport took a trip to the gym. Woman on the treadmill, downing protein shake and pen and book resting in the locker.
Decided to do another try at those plane trees. Also I worked a bit on the overall color composition and general mood of the sketch. Tomorrow I’ll probably sketch an old car again.
I think this passes as a nice try (trunks in two pages)
Found a thawing and mossy Toyota Celica from the early 80s and a very tiny American car during my lunch breaks.
Twenty in twenty minutes. Just finished. Was a bit harder today as everyone was walking away from me. But lunch is finished and I have to go back to work.
The days not over, and the count so far is 16 (there’s a baby there too). Was very nervous doing this. First time for urban sketching, out in public. Had a few funny looks, maybe one interested look that didn’t want to ask (thankfully). I managed these in 20 minute at work during my lunch break. The majority were people on the move, so I’d see them start to sketch look back up and the were nearly out of eyesight. And I’ve come to the realisation, I need to practice the nose, either that or miss it altogether as I have done in some of these.
Translated from Russian: Recently discovered inspirational photos of the composition @greenhouse__ua. So many beautiful plants and fancy pots for them that it is impossible to resist and not depict them
#sketching other #sketchers is great – they barely move! :) drawn with a pointed pen and sumi ink during a 20 min model pose.
Break O’ Day
Christine; London
A quick sketch of my son and granddaughter, we had a big family weekend away for my birthday and it snowed! (My son does not feel the cold! Shivvvver!!!)
Little sketch done on a walking holiday recently in Cumbria UK
Sketch of my wonderful friends on our recent hiking holiday. Making memories with lovely friends
Loving my family…
Rekindle Memories will happen again on the 1st to 7th of April. This event is about treasuring each memory (past or present) by remembering and appreciating life in all its wonder and beauty through sketching and painting wherever we are in the world.
How it works
- Every first week of the month, create one (or as many!) sketches/paintings inspired by your life.
- Share your artworks and tag #rekindlememories and the country where you’re from (i.e. #singapore). No social media? Email your artworks:
- If you know anyone who would like to take part of this art challenge, please invite them to join the fun! If you wish to be with other Rekindle Memories artists, please go here.
Note: More info about Rekindle Memories here.

A free ebook that helps you create expressive sketches of your life in pen and watercolor.
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