How to Build Good Habits that will Make Us Fruitful

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Airplant; watercolor on paper Most of us have written goals that will guide us on what we need to focus on for the New Year. I have written faith goals that I am believing and partnering with God for. I also themed my days according to what work I need to focus on (i.e. Mondays are for planning, Tuesdays for recording). However, our pastor said that every goals or New Year resolutions fail by the third of the month because of formed … Read More

Grace in 2014

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Beyond (watercolor) I sat on the corner of the bed, eyes and nose watery from a possible cold. That’s not how I hope to start New Year. But I know that that is exactly where God wants me to be…right where He is. To hold fast to Him. To rely on His grace. To spend time with Him. Not blindly nod on another selfish commitment or overwhelm myself with lists. God wants me to rest in Him alone. To discard the pleasures of this world … Read More

Golden Yellow

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Golden Yellow in watercolor The leaves shriveled into a crisp golden yellow ochre with a hint of cobalt burnt. Like wind chimes following the whisper of the wind, the old leaves dance slowly but definitely not its last. For new things will take root and it will grow fruitful. If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation: The old has gone and the new has come (2 Cor 5:17)! He is no longer slave to sin and tradition. … Read More