Meaningful Interruption

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I heard the beautiful music played by Uncle across the room and I went out to sketch him. He turned around and asked me what am I doing to which I simply replied, “Sketching you.” I suddenly had this thought that how many of us would like our lives to be interrupted for someone else? We are all busy creatures rarely pausing to rest and even more so to listen to that beautiful melody being played by the old lady at the corner of the street. … Read More

34: Red Spice

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The past few days I was excited to help mom prep the chili. I was confident because I watched it done by chefs. I carefully drew the knife across the skin so that it opened in half. Feeling like a pro, I removed the seeds…using my bare fingers. What happened next was beyond my expectation. It was like my fingers have been dipped several times in boiling water. It leave me with a painful burning sensation that lasted for several hours. Half of … Read More