41: Peafowl

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Peafowl Watercolor

Peafowl in watercolor

There is something thrilling about painting without an initial sketch. The result is often a pleasant surprise since there is not a clue on how a painting will turn out. Every dance of the brushstroke and flow of the colors portray freedom.

As I slowly progress on my journey as an Artist, I hope to step out in faith while I anticipate God’s vision for me. To wait means to get to work, to plant seeds while God gives the growth. There is a desire in me to teach watercolor painting for  kids and adult. I know I need to begin somewhere hence with some encouragement, I recorded my first painting process. I admit I am quite uncomfortable when people watch me paint but I know this will get easier with practice. There is a mingle of excitement and a slight burden to paint quickly since various thoughts keep playing in my head. Overall I enjoyed the experience not only because it taught me how to record and edit videos but also (I hope) this will serve as an inspiration for you to try your hands on watercolor painting or anything that you feel like doing creatively.

To check out my first painting demo on how to paint a Peafowl in loose watercolor please visit the Harmony Thoughts YouTube Channel. More demos and tutorials will hopefully be added soon. Thank you for your support.

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