Elfje Inspired

Elfje Inspired

with 4 Comments

I often tell Freya how her words evoke a creativity that prompts me to pick up the brush. Her stories elevate my senses like a curious child. I think we all experience that same wonder and marvel of reading a novel, a poem or a short story from a writer whose words affect our lives in a profound way.

Wanting to stretch my creativity as well as thank my author friend for her inspirational words, I offered to create an artwork for the cover of her latest Clippings. She wrote an Elfje and from that I painted like the words sing to me.

Elfje ArtFreya Pickard is an author. She writes poems and stories at Dragonscale Clippings. Her first published novel was Dragonscale Leggings. She writes and publishes a quarterly newsletter also called Dragonscale Clippings which contain fragments of small observations and a short story. I have been a subscriber of her newsletter since 2012.

Her latest Clippings #12 is out now. Please go here to read more about it. If you wish to receive her Clippings, please email Freya at dragonscaleclippings (at) gmail (dot) com with “Subscribe Clippings” on the subject line.

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4 Responses

  1. […] my short story, The Essence of Thyme (excerpt above) and have a fabulous front cover created by Elisa Choi. I’ve also included some dragony and dragonslayerish cinquains as well some winter haiku and […]

  2. […] Whispers – scroll down until you see the January poems. In February my elfje appeared at Harmony Thoughts – Elisa Choi and I collaborated in the design of the front page of my Newsletter In March […]

  3. […] a painter and earlier on this year collaborated with me to produce a beautiful front cover for my Newsletter. Elisa started drawing when she was a child and began to explore painting in 2011. She paints the […]

  4. […] that inspired my newsletter cover in March 2014 at http://harmonythoughts.com/blog/watercolor/elfje-inspired 4 poems published by Paperbook Collective in October 2013 (see page 11) at […]