(New Online Class) Sketch Your Life 2

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Creativity is such an important aspect in making art–a precious ingredient in making our artworks unique and personal to who we are as an artist. Honestly, creativity is something that I have struggled (a lot!) because of a variety of reasons like criticism and comparison. Nourishing my creativity back to life is a work in progress and I am thankful for each moment that I am given to create for the glory of God. When I see my younger students struggling with … Read More

Why Sketching Your Life is Good for You

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“Lady Eating” ink on sketchbook Taking photos is something that I would instinctively do whenever I see something that captures my attention. Maybe because it’s faster than sketching and I can easily move on to whatever I need to do or go next. However, if I carve out a time, I can grab a sketchbook and pen to savor the moment more. If you haven’t tried sketching your life before, I wish to encourage you that it is good for you because… it enables you to … Read More

On Nourishing Creativity and Imagination

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Telunas Beach Indonesia (watercolor and pen on paper) Creativity is about making time to create something meaningful. Children are one of the most creative people that I know. They think of ideas, try them out and get their hands dirty. They create from a place that is full of wonder and joy. The truth: we are all creative because God is creative. However, it slowly began to diminish the moment we get affected by criticism and lack of support, consume too much media, … Read More

Art Ed Now Summer 2016 Conference

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photo by Art of Education Everyday I desire to be a better teacher. After a (tiring) day of facing kids–guiding them on how to draw and paint and nurturing their creativity, I give thanks to the Lord for his grace in this work, and think about how and what to improve next. I stumbled upon the Art of Education a year ago when I started teaching. It’s a rich resource for Art Teachers. They also host online conferences that provide Art Teachers … Read More

Stilt Hut on Sea

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I have never felt so close to the waves crashing beneath the plank wood floor and its sound echoing around the four walls of the stilt hut. I felt so near the sea. I have never walked along the shore during low tide and witnessed many crabs migrate their way home. Whenever I looked at this sketch, I remember the time when I was at our room’s balcony…inhaling the salty air while sketching furiously. I was scared of the sea yet I like being near it.  Time at … Read More

Sketch Your Life: Student Gallery Part 4 of 4

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I can attest that sketching from life is challenging (especially using a pen!) yet very rewarding. I don’t think about making my sketches perfect or else I might as well feel intimidated of even starting at all. All I care about is the experience of savouring the life around me and the tremendous learning that happens whenever I step out in faith to do something that undoubtedly scares me (at first) but by the grace of God I am strengthen to do whatever … Read More

Green Orchids

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In its short span of life, a flower gives it all– beauty, colors, fragrance, decoration, accessory, food, medicine, wonder. I had the pleasure of sketching it up close, observing and beholding while the orchid lasts. The life of a flower reminds me of Jesus when He was living on earth. How short His life was yet He left us with an eternal impact. As His Holy Spirit lives in the hearts of God’s children, may we live a life worthy of the calling God … Read More

Purple Orchids

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Like a child filled with excitement and awe at the sight of toys and candies, I had the same feeling when I first stepped inside the National Orchid Garden in Singapore. Different species of orchids graced the garden, along with hundreds of other flowers, herbs and succulent plants. I admire this one particular orchid with bright purple color and white spots. Sketching it on location made me appreciate its beauty more.  

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