How to Turn a Catalogue Into Gift Wrapper

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Whatever things I own or receive, whether used, gifts or even junk mails, I always ask myself: how can I make the best use of it? I bought a present for a dear friend’s birthday and I was thinking what material to wrap it with because I am not a fan of buying gift wrapper. Suddenly, in a spur of inspiration, I thought of painting the pages of a catalogue and turning it into an awesome gift wrapper. Hooray! The materials you need are: Any … Read More

Rose Paper Brooch

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I like accessories especially the handmade with artwork. Previously, I bought quite a lot of earrings and rings and necklaces with artsy statements on it. However, nothing beats creating my own. When this class was shown, I was excited to finally start making some wearable art… a simple one like the paper brooch. Following the tutorial, this is how I create my own rose paper brooch. You will need: watercolor paper or cardstock for your design any kind of mediums you … Read More

Healing Classroom Challenge

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artsy pinwheels It is fruitful to involve young children in making art for a cause. I am thankful to have known Student Rebuild through an art website and from then on I never skip on any of their challenges. To participate in the Healing Classroom Challenge, make and mail in a pinwheel. For each pinwheel you make and mail in, the Bezos Family Foundation will donate $2—up to $400,000—to the International Rescue Committee’s Healing Classrooms program to help Syrian children from conflict areas recover … Read More

How to Make Your Own Stationeries

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I enjoy writing letters to family and friends and prefer handwritten over typewritten. In the past I used to buy stationeries but now I prefer to make my own. Not only is this method inexpensive but also handmade things makes everything special. Here’s how I make my own stationeries: Materials: Drawing block paper Scissors Watercolor Brushes Procedures: Cut the drawing block paper into A5 (approx 5.83″ x 8.27″) Decide on a theme for the design. It can be anything. I like nature. Paint … Read More

How to Paint Washer Necklace in Acrylics

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Materials on painting washer necklace I was asked to join an accessory swap organized by the talented crafter Nica Cosio. I have never made accessories before but was encouraged to at least try. Wanting to incorporate paints somewhere on the accessory, I stumbled upon tutorials on how to paint washer jewelry. Inspired, I made my own version. Sharing the steps below and hoping that it will inspire you to try making one. :) Step 1: Buy the washers at a hardware store and choose the one with … Read More