Postcard to Inspire Swap Gallery (Jan-Feb 2017)

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I love the diversity of artists from around the world who have participated in the Postcard to Inspire Swap from January to February 2017. Their sketches and paintings of their lives were accompanied with stories that gave a glimpse of their lives and culture. I like the different subjects ranging from nature, architecture, people, places, food and animals. I hope they enjoy getting to know one another through art! I am delighted to share with you the wonderful postcard gallery from 10 (wow!) different countries. … Read More

(New Class) Watercolor Sketching Your Life

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As much as I like sketching in pen, sometimes I find the freedom of not doing any initial sketch and just diving right in with watercolor. It’s the same feeling that my young learners have whenever I will ask them to outline their penciled drawings with marker. They mostly feel daunted by the task because they prefer to just go and paint. I remembered when I was just starting out, I would draw directly with watercolor. It doesn’t matter if the output looks … Read More

Sketch Your Life 2 Workshop Student Gallery

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Late January, around 11 artists participated in the Sketch Your Life 2 Workshop where they sketched and painted their lives for 30 days. From beginner to experienced artists, they all have something in common– to savor their lives through sketching and painting and to be better artist by making art daily and often. I am so inspired by their progress and enthusiasm, and learned a lot about their culture through art and stories. It is my delight to share with you the … Read More

A Cold Frosty Scene

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watercolor on paper Creativity takes courage, as the famous old master, Henri Matisse said. I believe creativity is to make something that I have never done or tried before. To nurture creativity would mean not only looking inward– into my ideas and imagination, but also outward–creation of God and man made words, ideas and things. It also helps not to hang out too much at the online sphere, lest the creativity will die–at least for me. Freya Pickard‘s words feed my … Read More

Postcard to Inspire Swap

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Painting on bed Savoring each moment. That’s what I love most when I slow down and make time to sketch and paint the life around me. Last weekend morning, I woke up a little earlier and watched my husband sleeping peacefully by my side. Instinctively, I traced the contour of his face with my eyes and said to myself, you know what, I am going to sketch and paint him. Gingerly, I grabbed my sketchbook and pen. There were many imperfections–the other arm … Read More

(Free Online Workshop) A Month of Daily Sketching and Painting

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A wonderful 2017 to you all! Last holiday, I enjoyed moments spent with loved ones. Aside from eating delicious food, playing board games and watching movies, we also made art. I set the table for a painting session with the nieces of my husband, ages 4 and 6 years old. “What are we going to paint?” they asked excitedly. I quickly look around the table and suggested we paint the coffee cups design of the table cover. They agreed. And … Read More

Grace in the Not So Comfort Zone

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The restaurant was packed with people. As the waiter ushered us toward our table in the middle, with strangers in front of me, on the side and basically every corner, my heart did a nervous dance. Am I really going to paint in the midst of all these people?! Can I just do the demo at home instead of doing it in public? Husband encouraged me that whatever I will be doing, people wouldn’t mind. The voices in my head never stop whispering fear … Read More

Make Something Everyday + Nanodrawmo 2016 Round-up

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Well, I was only able to accomplish 15 artworks for Nanodrawmo. Not even half of the goal of 50. But this challenge has rekindled me to make something everyday. Surely I may not be able to sketch everyday (or often) but I press on to create something…anything (!) with my hands. That could mean writing letters, making paper brooch, painting, crafting… So many ways to be productive. Because when you don’t attempt to create one thing often, the following might happen … Read More

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